The 7 Strata Framework: The Strategic Thinking behind the OPSP

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The 7 Strata Framework: The Strategic Thinking behind the OPSP

The One-Page Strategic Plan (OPSP) requires a lot of strategic thinking behind the scenes. It is not a one-pager that you complete in an hour or two.  The 7 Strata framework will guide you through the strategic thinking for the OPSP.  In fact, it guides business leaders to construct an industry-dominating plan. With the 7 Strata framework, Verne Harnish integrated several of the best-known components of strategy by gurus like Jim Collins, Michael Porter and Bob Bloom, into a single framework.

Read on for a quick overview of the 7 Strata framework and the value that it will add to your business.

Where does the 7 Strata fit in with the OPSP?

The 7 Strata will help you do the strategic thinking for the OPSP.  Futhermore it will help you determine your company’s Brand Promises, Differentiating Activities and other key concepts that are natural inputs into your Marketing strategy. In essence, it’s the “page behind the page”.

Once you’ve defined your company’s Core Purpose, Core Values and completed the SWT Tool, it’s a good idea to take a step back from the OPSP and tackle the 7 Strata.

What is covered by the 7 Strata Framework?

The 7 Strata tool is a comprehensive framework for creating a robust strategy that differentiates your company from the competition. In addition, it helps you to establish the roadblocks that will allow you to lead and dominate your niche in the market.

Besides, the 7 Strata also contains details about

  • WHAT you sell, to WHOM, and WHERE
  • Brand promises
  • One-phrase strategy (your key to making money)
  • Differentiating activities
  • Profit per X (economic engine)
  • Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG is a registered trademark of Jim Collins and Jerry Porras)

Benefits of the 7 Strata

The 7 Strata tool brings immense value to your business:

  • It defines the company’s complete brand.
  • It provides an agenda for the strategic thinking team.
  • And it guides the creation and maintenance of a competition-crushing, differentiated approach to a specific market.

What if I don’t have a 7 Strata Framework?

Without a powerful, industry-dominating strategy (shaped by the 7 Strata framework), you’ll be:

  • Generating very little traction in the market;
  • Trying to execute a plan that is less optimal; and
  • Leaving a pile of money on the table.

The First Step towards the 7 Strata

Firstly, designate a strategic thinking team, consisting of 3 to 5 senior leaders.  Furthermore, this team needs to meet for an hour each week to discuss each aspect of the framework and other strategic issues.  In other words, it’s not sufficient to have a strategic thinking session once a year or even every quarter. These ongoing weekly meetings will keep the strategy relevant and fresh. It’s all about making a few decisions, testing them, and coming back to the table the following week for discussion.

CoLAB and the 7 Strata Framework

Similar to the OPSP, completing the 7 Strata is not a quick exercise.  CoLAB can facilitate your senior leadership team through the process of completing your 7 Strata, to ensure you have a powerful, industry-leading strategy. If this triggers your interest, connect with us to discuss an affordable package for your needs.  Send an email to ingrid at trustcolab dot com, or book a 20-minute, obligation-free call with Barend HERE.

Certainly watch Our CEO, Barend Cronjé, talk more about the 7 Strata Framework HERE.

To get access to our signature Profit Improvement Framework, click HERE.

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